It’s Our Birthday Season…An Amazing Time to Celebrate
Happy Birthday DDI!!!!! It is officially Dissipating Disparities, Inc. birthday season!!!! Woooohooo!!!! We say season because we became recognized by the State of GA between the time of June and July and everything simply began falling in place!!!
Last year in July this post was made on DDI’s Facebook page:
“So it has been a LONG time coming, but my passion and dream has come to fruition…..Dissipating Disparities, Inc. (DDI) has OFFICIALLY been recognized as a non-profit organization in Georgia!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!! I am soo happy!!! As a pharmacist and community advocate, I personally feel we all have a responsibility to fill the gaps in disparities whether it be healthcare, community, education or financial. Please spread the word and share the page with your friends for DDI will be bringing awareness, acceptance, and action to a city (Thomaston, GA) near you!!!”
Reflecting over the past 12 months, it has truly been an amazing year! We have accomplished some great feats:
– Held our 1st annual SAVING OURSELVES (S.O.S) community expo
– Sweet Soles – Diabetes Walk
– 1st DDI Charity Ball – raising enough funds to support future efforts and a scholarship
– Assist in community efforts at the Reimagine Thomaston event
– Distributed 1st scholarship to a very deserving high school senior
– National Women’s Health Event
And so much more is still to come!!!!
In efforts to expand, offer more services and make our events an even bigger success, we are joining forces with other community and civic organizations. We are looking for additional partnerships, volunteers, and project leads…if interested…just give us a shout!
Many of our efforts have been funded by the founders of DDI, team members and more recently community support! We truly appreciate the community for supporting our efforts by way of donations – both time and finances – and participation! We hope and pray that our efforts and goals are received well and we can continue to count on your support and involvement!
To celebrate our birthday, we are wishing for 2 things….big summer fundraising campaign and building our social media presence!!!
In order to make our wishes come true…we need your help! Our goal is to get an additional 150 likes on Facebook and raise $3000 by July 12th!!!! We will be selling t-shirts and hosting a line dancing party on July 12th to support DDI’s efforts to bring more financial literacy seminars, health and wellness events and more while keeping cost at a minimum or free to the public! To build our social media presence, share our campaign with your family, friends, co-workers, strangers…any and everyone!!! Help us help each other!!!!
To donate or purchase your t-shirt do so online @
Or see a DDI Team Member: Carlisha @ 706-975-8476, Renee @ 706-975-8475, Phyllis @ 678-972-4172
Be sure to check out our video:
- DDI diabetes walk for awareness and prevention
Stay tuned for more updates and additional information!!!!
Carlisha 🙂